Daily Archives: July 17, 2012

Weekly Photo Challenge: Dreaming

This week’s photo challenge at the Daily Post is dreaming. At the moment, my house and garage are completely disorganized and I can’t find enough storage space for all of my junk. So, I am dreaming of owning a bigger house like this villa I photographed in Saudi Arabia.

Realistically, this dream will not become reality in the near future. Thus, I will eliminate most of the junk by following these five steps:

Step 1: Donate all good clothes that no longer fit to the Salvation Army goodwill shop in town.

Step 2: Cut up clothes that are no longer suitable for donation and use for cleaning rags.

Step 3: Give away all items that have not been used in the last five years.

Step 4: All items which do not belong to me, but are stored in my garage need to be picked up within a week or else they will be sold on e-bay or given away.

Step 5: Donate books (at least 50)  that I will never read again to the library or Salvation Army goodwill shop.

Hopefully, some of this extra baggage will be of use to someone and I will be able to get my garage organized and keep it organized.