Five Resolutions for 2013

I spent about two hours reducing my list of 30 resolutions to five manageable ones. By keeping my list short I hope to have a greater chance of following through on them.

1)      2013 resolution 1No more potato chips – Last year I completely gave up soft drinks. Now it is time to remove potato chips from my diet. Chips are a cheap and convenient snack with little or minimal nutrition. I usually buy chips when they are on sale, so I hope that they double in price which would help me to avoid this nasty temptation.

2)      Improve my French – My plan is to set aside one hour, three times a week, to refresh and bring my skills back up to my previous level. When I left Quebec, after living and working there for over five years in the late eighties, I was completely at ease in the language. However, with few opportunities to speak French in the past decade, the language has moved to some secret place in my brain and I can’t seem to come up with the correct word or expressions when I chat with my French neighbors since returning to Canada.

3)      Learn a new skill every month – This means that I will learn 12 new things in 2013. I am going to start with cross-country skiing in January. Although I skied a lot when I was younger I never had formal lessons. I am not sure if I used correct techniques. 2013 resolution 2Considering that it has been years since I spent a winter in Canada I may not even remember how to ski. With plenty of snow, thanks to two storms since Christmas, I have skiing on my mind. I am picking up new skies and equipment this week in order to be ready for my first lesson on January 5th.

4)      2013 resolution 3Eliminate paper towel usage – Recently, I have become lazy and overly dependent on disposable paper towels. In the summer, I used small-clothes instead of paper towels that were easy to wash and hang outdoors to dry. Now, I find myself cleaning the windows, wiping up spills, and even drying dishes with paper towels. Not only is this habit a waste of money but it also contributes to the destruction of natural resources. This needs to stop! All I have to do is use the washing machine to spin and remove as much moisture as possible from the clothes before putting them out to dry on sunny days.

5)      2013 resolution 5Reduce chocolate consumption – I failed with this resolution last year. I am certain that this will be the most challenging resolution. Keeping in mind that You always pass failure on the way to success.” (Mickey Rooney) I figure that this one  is worth attempting again.  I am going to ease into this by allowing myself something that contains chocolate once or twice a week for the first couple of months instead of trying to completely give it up without a transition period.

Lastly, I made a small poster to put on the kitchen fridge to remind me of these resolutions.

2013 resolutions

20 responses to “Five Resolutions for 2013

  1. Pingback: Resolutions – How did I do in 2013? | Rural Route Runner

  2. Don’t try to stop eating something you crave, find a way to channel the craving. I discovered Kellogg’s Fiber Plus Antioxidants bars in Chocolate Chip! They’re great, give you your chocolate fix, and contain 35% of your daily fiber, have just 120 calories, and 26g of carbs.

  3. Great list! Good luck. I can’t wait to hear what skill you learn every month and how it all goes. I also love the idea of reducing paper towel usage. I’ve never thought of it, but it seems like such a smart idea.

    If I had “No potato chips” and “reduce chocolate consumption” on my fridge, I would crave potato chips and chocolate all the time. I’d have to replace it with “eat healthier” just to not trigger the mental image. Good luck this year! I hope you achieve all of your goals!

    • Thanks. The “No Potato Chips” resolution is already stressing me every time I read it. Maybe I need to donate the chips to the local food bank just to get them out of the house and reduce the temptation.

  4. I like that list… The Lindt dark chocolate is pretty good too or any snack size chocolate usually has between 100 – 150 calories which is not bad if you can manage to only have one or two small pieces a day.

  5. I eliminated paper towels several years ago and, with the exception of a few pet “oopsies” it hasn’t really presented any major challenges. AND we have a lot less trash from week to week!

  6. I really like how you whittled your list down to 5. You are so smart. I’m bad about paper towels too. That’s a good goal. Maybe I can try it as well.

  7. Your resolutions are fantastic. I don’t know how you manage to compress 30 to 5. LOL! I’m still struggling with my page full. Love no. 3 especially! Have fun and Happy New Year!!

  8. Those sound like some great goals! I’m sure you’ll do great!

  9. A good manageable list, rural route runner! I especially love the one: “Learn a new skill every month.” That’s a great one that I may have to add to mine next year! Best of luck and happy new year. 🙂

  10. tri-grandma-try

    Sounds like a great list. My son-in-law works for Lindt Chocolate…it is around a lot…although not too much of a temptation to me.

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